Independent Review of Children's Social Care
NAFP questions 3 February 2021
NAFP submission to call for evidence 30 March 2021
NAFP response to Case for Change 4 August 2021
Summary of NAFP’s response to the Call for Ideas 15 December 2021
NAFP statement on regional care cooperatives 1 December 2022
Stable homes, built on love - NAFP consultation response 11 May 2023

Education Committee inquiry into children’s social care 15 January 2024

A National Care Service for Scotland 2 November 2021

Rebalancing care and support: a consultation on improving social care arrangements and strengthening partnership working to better support people’s well-being (Wales) 6 April 2021
Proposed changes to legislation on social care and continuing health care (Wales) 7 November 2022
A national register of foster carers in Wales 14 July 2023
Supporting a transition to not-for-profit models of care for looked after children in Wales: Information for foster carers approved with independent fostering agencies in Wales 15 November 2023
Senedd Health and Social Care Committee 27 June 2024 (NAFP chief executive from 1:09:00)
Health and Social Care (Wales ) Bill 28 June 2024

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Looked-after children and young people, draft guidance consultation 15 June 2021
Competition & Markets Authority, Children's social care market study 14 April 2021; interim report 12 November 2021
Lords Public Services Committee: Role of public services in addressing child vulnerability inquiry 19 March 2021
Green Paper: Transforming public procurement 10 March 2021
Changes to the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020, 28 February 2021

Education Committee inquiry: the impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services 29 May 2020; additional submission 10 July 2020

APPG on Runaway and Missing Children and Adults, Inquiry into out of area care placements for looked after children and young people 26 April 2019; APPG report (quotes NAFP) 9 July 2019
NICE consultation on draft scope for looked after children 11 February 2019
All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People, Inquiry into children in care and financial education 31 January 2019

HCLG Committee (England) Funding and provision of local authorities’ children’s services inquiry 18 December 2018

Fostering Services Regulations (Wales), requirements for independent fostering services providers 16 August 2018

Review of School Exclusions (England) 6 May 2018

Public services for care experienced children and young people, Public Accounts Committee (Wales) 5 March 2018

Corporate Parenting Principles, Local Offer, Personal Adviser (England) 24 November 2017

NAFP Fostering Stocktake (England) response 16 June 2017

Education Committee Fostering Inquiry (England) 25 November 2016; Oral evidence 1 March 2017

Future of social care inspection (England) 9 September 2016

APPG for Children inquiry into children’s social care (England) 7 March 2016

Foster care decision-making (Scotland) 30 November 2015

Special Guardianship Review (England) 18 September 2015

Consultation on Part 11 (Continuing Care) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 18 September 2015

Response to Education Committee call for evidence on work of Ofsted (England) 9 September 2015

Raising the ambitions and educational attainment of children who are looked after in Wales 4 May 2015

Cabinet Office Consultation on the UK Transposition of new EU Procurement Directives 23 October 2014

Education Select Committee Inquiry: 16 Plus Care Options 28 February 2014

Fees and Frequency of Inspections Regulations 11 December 2013

Improving Permanence for Looked After Children 29 November 2013

Making public sector procurement more accessible to SMEs 17 Oct 2013

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