All-Party Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers

Hiring from the EU
Public Contracts Scotland - EU Exit
Young EU nationals urged to apply for residency to avoid homelessness CYPNow 17Dec
Social security contributions for workers coming to the UK from the EEA or Switzerland HMRC 26 December 2020
Using personal data in your business or other organisation 31 December 2020

Free HMRC e-learning course for foster carers
Financial education for young people in care and care leavers
Late Payment Directive: user guide to the recast Directive

Modern slavery: duty to notify factsheet and posters that explain what you need to do if you think someone has been a victim of modern slavery

Fostering in England 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
Ofsted social care research
Looked-after children, Department for Education

Children in Care Northern Ireland 2021-22, Department of Health

Children's Social Work Statistics 2022-23, Scottish Government
Fostering and Adoption statistical bulletin 2022-23, Care Inspectorate (Scotland)

Children looked after by local authorities, Welsh Government

Unaccompanied young people
War in Ukraine, tending to your and your children’s mental health 23 March 2022
Working with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Young People – recording ACAMH 10 October 2022

Young People's Guide to Placement Moves
Published by the Office of the Children's Rights Director in 2011, the Young People's Guide to Placement Moves offers advice to young people if they are unhappy about a proposed move

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