The Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers (NAFP) is a not-for-profit company formed in 2008 to campaign for independent fostering agencies (IFA) and the children for whom they care.

Code of practice

Membership of NAFP confirms that an organisation is registered with Care Inspectorate (Scotland)/Care Inspectorate Wales/Ofsted as a fostering services provider, and committed to maintaining high standards of social care and commercial practice within the independent and voluntary fostering sector for children and young people. NAFP supports members to achieve this through the benefits of information, peer support, advocacy and representation at local, regional and national level, and the opportunity to influence policy and practice within the sector.

NAFP members will:

  • Provide services that meet and continually strive to exceed National Minimum Standards
  • Support other members by practical means or through the provision of information and advice on the delivery of services

  • Maintain the confidentiality of information shared by other members and not use this information to gain competitive advantage

  • Maintain high standards of social care and commercial practice, including abiding by the Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol and not making direct recruitment approaches to existing foster carers approved by other member providers ('poaching')

  • Contribute, through NAFP, to the debate on matters affecting the independent and voluntary fostering sector

  • Not speak on behalf of NAFP unless authorised by the Executive Committee to do so

  • Notify the Executive Committee immediately of any enforcement action being taken or proposed by a regulatory or statutory body

  • Notify the Executive Committee about any member who repeatedly fails to act in accordance with this Code of Practice and/or in any way takes actions likely to bring NAFP into disrepute

In applying to be a member of NAFP, a provider is also agreeing to be bound by this Code of Practice.

(this update 9 June 2017)

Registered as a company in England & Wales No. 06717310 Registered office: Corbridge Business Centre, Tinklers Yard, Corbridge, Northumberland NE45 5SB
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