NAFP resource library is intended to support our members in finding guidance relating to many subject areas that impact your work as a fostering provider. The contents page highlights different subject areas and within each, you will find any relevant legislation and national guidance, NAFP practice guidance and any useful notes from practice discussions with our members.

NAFP practice guidance - In response to ongoing discussions in members' meetings, regular practice sessions, and Google groups that are available to members, NAFP will continue to provide guidance and support in relation to practice and how this can be considered and interpreted.

Members' good practice - NAFP members offer a wealth of experience and knowledge that is readily shared in our forums. There is a real willingness to share practice, resources, and useful learning tools with each other. NAFP has not verified nor endorsed any of the material, but clearly, members have felt supported by accessing the wider learning opportunities and have given permission for it to be shared to ensure “best practice".

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