
Category: Placement finding or matching

Endings practice meeting

7 Jun 2024
Members only
NAFP supporting information for placing authority when child's fostering arrangement is ending Jun24

NAFP supporting information for placing authority when child's fostering arrangement is ending Jun24Supporting information for placing authority when child's fostering arrangement is ending

This form gives foster carers an opportunity to help the placing local authority with their matching process (updated June 2024)
3 Jun 2024
Members only

Delegated authority practice meeting

24 May 2024
Members only

Gender identity practice meeting

3 May 2024
Members only

Referrals to independent fostering agencies 2019-2022

Interpreting trends and improving process (England, Scotland and Wales) February 2023
2 Mar 2023

Partnership working when considering moving children from stable foster care

Guidance to remind practitioners of the importance of working together to ensure the best possible decisions can be made for children
26 Sep 2022

Placement referral information

Context and advice for local authorities preparing placement referral information for independent fostering services
2 Apr 2019

Placement disruption

A review of cases of children in care in England and Wales where stable placements are threatened for financial reasons
5 May 2015
Members only
Registered as a company in England & Wales No. 06717310 Registered office: Corbridge Business Centre, Tinklers Yard, Corbridge, Northumberland NE45 5SB
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